Monday, September 12, 2011 - 12:00

Syndicate organizations from Russia and Serbia visited HPP "Perućica"

Delegation of syndicate representatives of parts of Russian and Serbian Electric Enterprises have, in the mid september, visited HPP Perucica. Visit to Montenegro and visit of our oldest big power plant for Russians was organized by Trade union of EPS in colaboration with colleagues from EPCG.

The meeting of representatives of Montenegrin, part of Russian and Serbian energetic companies went as informal talks where oppinions and important information were exchanged, and syndicate representatives of our company made them aware of basic principles, organization, way of functioning as well as projections and plans of majority representative syndicate of EPCG.

President of SOZ Zoran Ostojic said he was happy for the opportunity to welcome and speak with syndicate representatives of two significant energy companies. He said that these visits strenghten mutual relations and great significance for improving international syndicate cooperation.

During their stay, guest were welcomed by Zoran Perovic - technical director of HPP Perucica, who made them familiar with basic caracteristics and functioning of HPP, and showed its great significance for electro-energetic system of our country.